Guozhuoyan Zhang
After AlphaGo defeated the Korean player Lee
Sedol in Go, the general public raised the concerns about the threatening of
the artificial intelligence to humanity.
In the current chess game, Go could be the
most talented completion. There are 19 verticals, horizons and 391 points of
intersection. With black and white Go pieces, it will evolve billions of
variations across the Go board. It is important for humans to remember numerous
Go manuals and calculate Go pieces’ mesh number in order to improve the Go
level. The intuition of Go board and the judgment of the opponent are also
necessary for a professional Go player.
It is not an easy thing for artificial
intelligence to play Go well. At the early stage of the development of a Go
artificial intelligence, an experienced players could defeat the computer easily.
The AI of Go at that time was unable to conquer this Go board in computing
capacity and optimization algorithm. Nowadays, after the development of the
computer operation ability and deep learning ability, artificial intelligence
launched the assault to human Go championship.
Both side were playing a good game. And 4:1
is the final score of AlphaGo and Lee Sedol. Many people said that the machine
has defeated human brains. Be vigilant to the artificial intelligence is the
hot topic at that time. However, the program of AlphaGo is definitely the quintessence
of human wisdom. Even AlphaGo defeated the human championship, it is also the
victory of human intelligence’ self-transcendence.
The biggest advantage of the human
intelligence is the ability of thinking and innovating. Those abilities are
never having the critical explanations for them by any known science reports. The
artificial intelligence is hard to represent the process of human thinking and
innovating. Independent thinking and self-improvement are impossible for AI to
Work Cited:
"The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1 - Wait But Why." Wait But Why. 2015. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
"The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2 - Wait But Why." Wait But Why. 2015. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
"What AlphaGo's Win Means for Your Job." Fortune What AlphaGos Win Means for Your Job Comments. 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
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